Students' Testimonial

J. Owen Suherman
UCLA student, Global Sevilla Alumni
Global Sevilla has prepared me very well for life after high-school. With all the stress that comes from studying and work, it is easy to be overwhelmed. But with the mindfulness techniques that I learned from Global Sevilla, I have been able to manage my thoughts and stressors very well.
Aside from that, the teachers have also prepared me very well for the materials I am learning now at university. The materials taught in Global Sevilla are similar to the ones that I am currently studying, and this has allowed me to transit smoothly from high school to university. The time management I learned at school has made me feel like I had more time in university than many other people.
Overall, I am glad that I attended Global Sevilla for my primary and secondary schooling. I not only learned academic subjects, but also life skills that I still use every day, and probably will for the rest of my life.

Cantika Abigail
Singer, Global Sevilla Alumni
Global Sevilla School memberikan tempat, fasilitas, dan suasana untuk belajar dengan nyaman. Para guru mampu memberikan dasar-dasar kehidupan yang berguna di kemudian hari, salah satu yang paling penting nilai solidaritas yang sangat tinggi. Begitu banyak perbedaan latar belakang dan keberagaman agama, suku, maupun bangsa di Global Sevilla yang akhirnya menjadi bekal saya saat ini dalam bersosialisasi di dunia kerja. Selama 3 tahun saya mengemban ilmu di Global Sevilla, saya merasa bisa menyalurkan kegemaran saya dalam bidang musik karena Global Sevilla mampu memfasilitasi talenta para muridnya dalam berbagai bidang, baik olahraga, musik, dan bidang-bidang lainnya.
I want to say thank you to Global Sevilla School karena sudah menjadi tempat yang aman untuk mencoba melakukan kesalahan, belajar dan berkembang.

Yoriko Angeline
Actress, Singer, Global Sevilla Student
Before, I would like to say thank you to Global Sevilla School for giving me a Full Scholarship from grade 6 until grade 12. I was thrilled to learn of my selection for this honour and I am deeply appreciative of your support. My six years at Global Sevilla School have been excellent and a memory to cherish for a lifetime. I feel like Global Sevilla School is a place where you can find an amalgamation of learning, fun, culture, and many such life preaching activities. I am very thankful Global Sevilla School as they are very much supportive throughout my whole career.
I’m so proud and lucky to go to Global Sevilla.

Dhanielle Daphne
Athlete, Global Sevilla Alumni
Living a student-athlete life has never been easy for me. Having to balance soccer and school for 3 years is very challenging. But hey, I managed to finish high school with both achievements inside and outside of school thanks to Global Sevilla. The teachers and friends were very helpful throughout my study in Global Sevilla School (yes shoutout to my beloved Class of 2018 teachers and friends!). Not only Global Sevilla School is an amazing place to excel in both academic and extracurricular, but also a great environment overall to study, socialize, discover/develop talents or traits, and most of all to practice mindfulness!
What I love the most about Global Sevilla School is the diversity of student body where we respect each other regardless of background. Global Sevilla School is a place I can always call a second home.